Category Archives: Eschatology

Should Matthew 24 Be Divided at Verse 36?

Many scholars argue that Matthew 24 (the Olivet discourse) should be divided at verse 36. They say that when Jesus used the phrase “But of THAT DAY” this is a clear demarcation of a changing subject matter. So they contend … Continue reading

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What Does Peter Mean by the Passing Away of Heaven and Earth? A Study of 2 Peter 3

By Gary DeMar and David Chilton Posted: MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2010 BY GARY DEMAR If there’s one passage of Scripture that is repeatedly brought up as an indictment against anyone who objects to modern-day prophetic speculation, it is 2 Peter 3:3–18. If you … Continue reading

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The Throne of David

A Short Discourse – Dan Norcini SS In the second book of Samuel, the seventh chapter, a promise of God to David is recorded. The key part of that promise is as follows: “When your days are complete and you … Continue reading

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Someone please explain this…

So let me get this straight. Daniel was told to seal up his vision because fulfillment would not come for “many days in the future” (approx. 600 years) and John was told not seal up his vision because the prophecies … Continue reading

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Expectations of Doom and Gloom

Since becoming a Christian in 1972, Jesus has been coming soon. In 1973, during my short daily commutes to USF, I used to gaze into the sky wondering if today would be THE DAY of His glorious appearing. And the … Continue reading

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The Apocalypse in Space and Time

This is an outstanding survey outlining the way in which the book of Revelation [apocalypse: the unveiling] has been viewed throughout church history. Bruce Gore, your tour guide, has been a teacher/theologian/professor /historian for most of his adult life and … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Audience Relevance, Eschatology, Hermeneutics, Revelation; dispensationalism | Leave a comment

Yes, it is about time!

In today’s Christian Care Ministries blog post titled “It’s about time“, Dan Norris made the following statement. “Growing up, I never thought Jesus could actually come back in my lifetime, but the way the world is today I am not … Continue reading

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Thy Word – Sound interpretational principles

Reading God’s word… A gentle admonition Ed Ferner, a mentor of sorts, once gave me simple but sage advice that’s worth passing along. “The Scripture was written FOR us but it was not written TO us.” As obvious as that … Continue reading

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Jesus Is Coming Soon!

Few will disagree that Chris Tomlin is both a gifted writer/performer and a man after God’s own heart. Often his songs are so majestically inspiring that they exhort and compel us to fall on our knees and worship Jesus. In a recent Sunday service, we sang a very popular Tomlin … Continue reading

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Is Israel the apple of God’s eye?

How many times have you heard someone say, I believe the Jews i.e. modern-day Israel, are God’s chosen people and the apple of God’s eye? In the minds of many, this view is so sacrosanct that to dare question it is … Continue reading

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Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does eschatology matter? Clearly, it’s not a bedrock issue like the atonement, the virgin birth or the deity of Christ, so why waste valuable time studying a doctrine that causes so much conflict and seems to accomplish so little? After … Continue reading

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The earth shall SOON dissolve like snow?

One of my all-time favorite songs, John Newton’s 1772 “Amazing Grace”, contains some of the sweetest words ever written. “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see”. God’s love, grace, and mercy are truly amazing!  … Continue reading

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“Gather around, wait for the sound, the King is coming” – Really?

? Why do so many of these otherwise inspiring songs, begin or end with lyrics like, “Gather around, wait for the sound, the King is coming”, or other similar, “Jesus is coming soon” type lyrics? Though these kinds of emotionally … Continue reading

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Christian Hope through Fulfilled Bible Prophecy!

Charles Meek, a PCA attendee and founder of the first apologetics website (, has written a very challenging book, “Christian Hope through Fulfilled Bible Prophecy.” After attempting to field a constant barrage of eschatological questions, Charles decided to embark on … Continue reading

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Scary market chart signaling another crash?

The above market chart superimposes the 17 months of the DOW Jones as it led up to the 1929 market crash, our most recent 17 months (Feb/2014). The implication? Get the heck out of dodge because the market’s about to … Continue reading

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