Author Archives: Chuck Coty

God Works – Dan Norcini

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Glorifying in the Cross – Dan Norcini

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A Critique of the Corporate Body View of the Resurrection of the Dead

Jerel Kratt I have been a believer in fulfilled prophecy for over eight years now. At the beginning of my journey, the two biggest hurdles to overcome as a partial preterist were the resurrection of the dead and the millennium. … Continue reading

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Why I Am Skeptical about the Corporate Body View of the Resurrection

By Charles Meek The “Corporate Body View” of the Resurrection (CBV), as held by some preterists, teaches that resurrection refers primarily, if not exclusively, to recovery of relational death between man and God. This view understands resurrection to be purely … Continue reading

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Did Christ Die Spiritually?

by Dan Norcini The Preterist movement, or “Realized eschatology”, has been a breath of fresh air within the modern church, as it has laid bare the false assumptions, particularly of the most prominent and widely accepted eschatological system known as … Continue reading

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Death of Adam: Spiritual-Only or Physical Also?

Ed Stevens – March 1, 2019 The two major views on resurrection within the Preterist movement (CBV versus IBV) part ways at the very beginning of the Bible in regard to how each defines the “death” that God threatened and … Continue reading

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Why Do We Still Die?

Edward E. Stevens – May 1, 2024 Advocates of the Collective Body View (CBV) often ask us IBV folks the question that is posed in the title. They base this question on their mistaken belief that the only kind of … Continue reading

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Understanding the phrase “Flesh and Blood”

by Dan Norcini Within the Preterist system of eschatology, there now exists a particular interpretation of some expressions that are used in the New Testament, which are a radical departure from their usual historical meaning. The system I am referring … Continue reading

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The Fragrance of the Knowledge of Christ

Dan Norcini “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who … Continue reading

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Is Satan the God of this World?

by Gary DeMar Christians will use all types of excuses to keep themselves out of today’s religious-moral-cultural battles. One of the most diabolical excuses is to claim that Satan is the rightful god of this world. This translates into believing that … Continue reading

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Global or Local?

In my last blogpost I highlighted translator biases in the way four Greek words (GE, OIKOUMENE, AION AND MELLO) have been translated. Unbeknownst to the reader these seemingly insignificant words have helped skew eschatological perceptions for centuries. If you had … Continue reading

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It’s All Greek to Me

GE – OIKOUMENE – AION – MELLO   Hidden below the surface of our Bible translations are 4 Greek words that have been instrumental in changing the eschatological landscape for centuries. Unbeknownst to most Christians, the Greek to English translations … Continue reading

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Wars and Rumors of Wars

(Matthew 24:6-7 ESV) 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom … Continue reading

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Wishing the Best for NFL’s Damar Hamlin

If you haven’t heard, a 24 year old NFL player collapsed on the field last night. He made a tackle, got up and then within seconds fell to the ground. It was such an ugly situation that many of the … Continue reading

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