Author Archives: Chuck Coty

Former Israeli Air Force pilot describes why we joined the Gaza Aid Flotilla

I constantly receive articles, emails, and videos extolling the virtues of Israel while impugning the legitimacy of any and all facts to the contrary. Be that as it may, I think we need to at least attempt to separate the political reality … Continue reading

Posted in Dispensationalism, Israel, Zionism | Leave a comment

Heavens to Murgatroid! The Asteroids are coming!

Given comments like those of Pat Robertson’s below, is there any wonder why there’s so much eschatologically-induced confusion and why there’s currently an interpretational free-for-all within the Church? I don’t mean to be overly harsh (well maybe just a bit … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Eschatology | Leave a comment

Coffee Table Extraordinaire!

The TouchTable looks like a giant iPhone that marries satellite imagery with a plethora of data sources. TouchTable, Inc., the creators of this amazing device, have developed applications for intelligence gathering and law enforcement, but the sky’s the limit for … Continue reading

Posted in Technology | 5 Comments

Presuppositions and Assumptions

Consider the following mind trick from David Copperfield. Can he read your thoughts?       I think this is a great lesson as we attempt to interpret the Bible. Though we may be unaware, we often don’t approach Scripture … Continue reading

Posted in Hermeneutics | Leave a comment

Pray for Israel? – What about the Palestinians, the Sudanese and/or the Canadians?

I received a short email (at bottom) asking that we pray for Israel. Rather innocuous enough, right?  Why not pray for the peace of a nation constantly embroiled in conflict, and opposed on all sides by the many who want … Continue reading

Posted in Eschatology, Israel, Zionism | 5 Comments

The World is Coming to an End, Again!

The Rapture’s Back On! Should I sell my home? Commentary: Doomsday is Oct. 21, so get your finances in order By Brett Arends   BOSTON (MarketWatch) — The world is coming to an end. Again. Harold E. Camping, the radio “Rapture” guy … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Audience Relevance, End of the World, Eschatology, Hermeneutics, Olivet Discourse | Leave a comment

Israeli – Palestinian Conflict

I believe there is a great deal of confusion regarding the Palestinian / Israeli conflict. Considering the president’s most recent speech calling for a return to the 1967 borders, I think the following video, forwarded by 3 New Hampshire Governor … Continue reading

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American Atheists Planning Rapture Party!

Do the atheists have a point when they refer to the “any day now” rapture as nonsense? Are you able to answer their claims?  I have found that most cannot. The American Atheist Association is planning rapture parties for “heathens … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, End of the World, Eschatology | Leave a comment

Whatever Happened to the Gospel?

By David Nicholas   The pastor was brilliant. The people were with him every step of the way. Concluding the service he said, “I have good news for you today. Narzak paid for all your crimes. As we sing this … Continue reading

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Will Rob one day answer the Bell? – How comprehensive is God’s grace?

As many are probably aware, cult figure (and I’m not using that word pejoratively but rather culturally), Rob Bell has recently proclaimed his affinity for the doctrine of Universal Atonement, also known as Comprehensive Grace & Universalism. To be fair, Bell, at the opening … Continue reading

Posted in Gospel, Universalism | Leave a comment

The Shape of Things to Come???

Consider a local church’s upcoming sermon series (below) to determine if eschatology really matters. (*If come across this blog post a few years from now, just for context I’m writing this in March of 2010) In preparation for the series, … Continue reading

Posted in End of the World, Eschatology | Leave a comment

Matthew 16:27-28 – “Some Standing Here…”

Have you ever pondered the implications of Matthew 16:27-28 (below)? It seems rather straightforward, doesn’t it? So it’s rather puzzling that commentators are all over the map on this one, with most refusing to consider its most obvious meaning i.e. … Continue reading

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Mysterious Mass Deaths of Birds & Fish – Last Day? Kirk Cameron Weighs on CNN

The more I cross paths with actor Kirk Cameron, the more I appreciate him as a brother in Christ. Even though I don’t agree with his eschatology, I really love this guy. He’s so down to earth and is such … Continue reading

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“True Revelation” by Kenosis

Friend, Dustin Curlee, recently sent me a couple of cuts from his new CD, Transidentity. His hip-hop band, Kenosis, comprised of Cody Miles, David Boone and of Dustin, is dedicated to the proclamation and propagation of the Gospel. As they … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Eschatology | Leave a comment

You’ve Got to be Kidding…Right?

You’ve Gotta Be Kidding . . . Right? chronicles Brian L. Martin’s (Editor of Fulfilled! Magazine) eschatological journey. His view of the “last things” (eschatology), though it may be new to you, is soundly rooted in Scripture. Join Brian as … Continue reading

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