Category Archives: Eschatology

The Psychological Effects of Failed Promies

Meet my Aussie friend John. He has a parable to share with you that in his view is a microcosm of today’s church.

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Is Barack Hussein Obama the AntiChrist?

There are all kinds of wild accusations running rampant on the internet but the reality is that being both The Antichrist of the World and President of these United States may prove to be an unwarranted strain on Barack’s energies–notwithstanding … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Antichrist, Apocalypse, Eschatology | Leave a comment

Has the Gospel Been Preached to All the World?

Has Matthew 24:14 been fulfilled? “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Has this specific prophecy of the Olivet Discourse (Mt 24; … Continue reading

Posted in Eschatology | 42 Comments

“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”

When we regard Holy Scripture, does time matter? Is it relevant? Is it consistent? Are references to it to be taken literally and uniformly? Does “soon” really mean “soon”? If something was “at hand” in one verse and “at hand” … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Audience Relevance, Eschatology | 1 Comment

Audience Relevance in the Olivet

Two years ago I ran across the simplest of statements that would forever change my life, my paradigm (worldview) and my faith in the Bible. “Although the Scripture was written FOR us it was not written directly TO us”. At … Continue reading

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