Author Archives: Chuck Coty

Phenom Bryce Harper – Product of Evolution?

I realize many phenoms never make it to the grand stage. Arrogance, injury or any number of things keep some of the most talented young men and women from being all they were designed to be. Nevada’s Bryce Harper is … Continue reading

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2,000 Years and Counting

A women’s lifetime of dreams is upon her. Other than her commitment to Christ many years earlier, the most magnificent day has finally arrived. She is about to wed the love of her life. While readying herself in the bride’s … Continue reading

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It’s a Matter of Time

Throughout the Scriptures we should remember that God is communicating to His finite creatures not to Himself. God created the day before He created man. Time has been a consistent throughout human history…and without it we would languish in chaos … Continue reading

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Humanists Offer Cash for Rapture Victims

The following is a parody written by a humanist. It may be offensive to some but quite frankly I’ve grown weary of being mocked for what I believe is the profoundly bad theology trumpeted by the majority of Christians. I … Continue reading

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My Friend’s Kid Does the Tithing Rap

This is Pastor Ken Weaver’s son Brett doing a little tithing rap. Ken was a college roommate, a groomsman in my wedding and remains a great friend. Brett’s the one of the right. This is really good stuff. The photo … Continue reading

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The Gospel in 6 Minutes – John Piper

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 (ESV) For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. 11 … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving 2008

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Victory is Loving Our Enemies

Jason, a friend of mine over at the Reign of Christ, wrote a post/sermon “Dying is Good for you”, which sparked a plethora of heartening comments. What an outstanding message! Jason brought Romans 8:28-39 into sharp focus. His message could … Continue reading

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My Tribute to Mom

Above is my tribute to the best mom anyone could ask for. How could anyone be blessed to have had a more loving mother? And for God to have allowed her to grace my life by dying on my B’day … Continue reading

Posted in Gospel | 1 Comment

The Tabernacle Was Still Standing!

Watch the following passionate reading of Hebrews’ chapters 9 and 10 (video below). As Ryan Ferguson’s inspiring soliloquy of the inspired Word captivates you, please consider the original audience that received these words of comfort, hope and exhortation. Although the … Continue reading

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Is Barack Hussein Obama the AntiChrist?

There are all kinds of wild accusations running rampant on the internet but the reality is that being both The Antichrist of the World and President of these United States may prove to be an unwarranted strain on Barack’s energies–notwithstanding … Continue reading

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Soaring Oil Prices and the Gospel of Hope

I watched the Energy Non-Crisis video (below) and it was no less disheartening the second time around. Lindsey Williams (the speaker), a man who spent his working life in the oil business, is definitely not the bearer of good news. … Continue reading

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Any 2,000 Year Old Disciples Alive Today?

As I listened to the sermon Sunday morn, I was immediately struck by the impact and foreshadowing of the following verse: And it had been revealed to him [Simeon] by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before … Continue reading

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Has the Gospel Been Preached to All the World?

Has Matthew 24:14 been fulfilled? “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Has this specific prophecy of the Olivet Discourse (Mt 24; … Continue reading

Posted in Eschatology | 42 Comments

“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”

When we regard Holy Scripture, does time matter? Is it relevant? Is it consistent? Are references to it to be taken literally and uniformly? Does “soon” really mean “soon”? If something was “at hand” in one verse and “at hand” … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Audience Relevance, Eschatology | 1 Comment