Author Archives: Chuck Coty

Premillenialism Explained…

Let’s play NAME THE ANTICHRIST! The prophetic speculators are running wild and our imaginations are not far behind. We are piqued with impending excitement wondering how all of this end times drama will play out. Many eschatological specialists wait with … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Antichrist, Armageddon, Audience Relevance | Leave a comment

Collision: Atheism vs. Christianity

When worldviews collide. God-hater vs. God adorer. Christopher Hitchens (an avowed atheist) vs. Douglas Wilson (pastor and evangelical theologian). COLLISION is a movie about diametrically opposing paradigms. It opens at theaters nationally October 27, 2009, and is also available in … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Atheism, Christianity | Leave a comment

Is the Islamic Savior the Biblical AntiChrist?

We are being bombarded by things apocalyptic from every angle and there seems to be no end in sight. As 2012 approaches, I believe “end times” infatuation will explode exponentially. We are being inundated from every angle. A group of … Continue reading

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The TRUTH Project – Creating a Christian Worldview

The TRUTH Project is a marvelous 12 part series with the intent to help create a Biblical world and life view. “In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed a stunning statistic that continues to reverberate throughout the evangelical … Continue reading

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America’s Christian Heritage – American Vision

This is an exciting new DVD series that should be available within the month at American Vision.

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Two Friends, Different Paths, Same Destiny

This is dedicated to Mike Fitzpatrick, long time friend and running buddy from Boca High days. Mike was the epitome of the party guy and one heck of a talented harrier. He’s been in the auto dealership business out in … Continue reading

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1973 – Just Before the Rapture =)

Great memories! It was 1973 and gas lines were wrapped to kingdom come. My college roommates and I would arrive at 5:00 AM, play guitar and shoot the breeze, all with hopes of adding a little petrol to our gas … Continue reading

Posted in 1973, 2nd Coming, Eschatology, Nixon | 5 Comments

The Destruction of the City of Jerusalem in 70 AD

It seems that precious few Christians possess even a modicum of historical perspective regarding the events surrounding the time between Christ’s bodily resurrection and ascension in AD 30, and the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Why is it that … Continue reading

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Barack “Anti-Christ” Obama? – Gary DeMar

Prophecy pundits are at it again! Listen how Gary explains passages from Isaiah and Luke in reference to “Satan falling as lightning (baraq) from heaven” (Luke 10:18). See what can happen when reading the Word with preconceived notions (as well … Continue reading

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“This Generation Shall Not Pass Away Til All These Things Be Fulfilled”

When you read Matthew 24:34 from Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (Matt 24; Mark 13, Luke 21), how do you interpret the phrase “This Generation” in the context of “shall not pass away until “all these things be fulfilled“? Is it possible … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Coming, Eschatology | 2 Comments

Petra’s Color Song – What a Savior!

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The Psychological Effects of Failed Promies

Meet my Aussie friend John. He has a parable to share with you that in his view is a microcosm of today’s church.

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Is Jesus Coming Soon?

The third of three program Gary DeMar has done on the inconsistency with which most Christians interpret eschatology and creation. If we demand a literal 6 day creation in Genesis 1, but yet argues a “day is as a thousand … Continue reading

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Eschatology Matters – Gary DeMar

In my view, if we don’t begin to confront the current most prevelent eschatological paradigm (dispensational premillennialism), I believe our culture will continue to slip further into the moral morrass in which we find ourselves today. We are almost 40 … Continue reading

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The Sky Angel Cowboy

This is truly a wonderful story of the power and simplicity of the Gospel. Meet Logan the Sky Angel. You will be blessed by this young boy’s clarity of faith.

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