Author Archives: Chuck Coty

Polish Michael Jackson? – Classical Collides with Contemporary!

Yes, Grupa MoCarta is a Polish group and I can’t understand a lick of what they’re saying, but I had a blast watching them (videos below). They’re all well-educated instrumentalists who graduated from prestigious Academies of Music in Warsaw and … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Music | 1 Comment

Science vs. Scripture

If science and the Bible are or even appear to be at odds with one another and we were forced to take sides, which one would you choose? Many side with Scripture although they might be uncomfortable with what may … Continue reading

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We are His Workmanship!

Ephesians 2:8-10 (NASB) For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are … Continue reading

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What If…? – by Jenkins Entertainment

Behold, the return of Kevin Sorbo and Kristy Swanson. In the movie What if…, in theaters Aug. 20, Sorbo plays Ben, a man who left his college sweetheart, Wendy (Swanson), and his dream of becoming a preacher to pursue a … Continue reading

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Understanding Scripture

This is one of the most vital sermons, friend, Pastor David Curtis, has preached. If you want to understand Scripture as a contiguous, homogeneous, unfolding plan of redemption, this will aid you in your quest. David explains in visual PowerPoint … Continue reading

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Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land

(Missing part 4)

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Are men growing worse and worse?

Is the world getting worse and ready to implode? Have people been on a fast track toward moral decay since the Apostle Paul warned Timothy of impending corruption 2,000 years ago? (2 Timothy 3:1-13) If you think times are so … Continue reading

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BP, Wormwood and Other Fairy Tales

I have grown very weary of the interminable contrived associations of the BP oil spill with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. With every scientifically enshrouded attempt to manufacture a global apocalyptic “end of the world” scenario, I find eschatological presuppositions … Continue reading

Posted in BP, Conspiracy Theory, Oil spill | Leave a comment

The unprovoked 1967 attack on the USS Liberty

Was Israel’s 1967 Attack on the USS Liberty, a mistake in identity?   You be the judge whether “mistaken identity” was even a remotely plausible excuse for the deaths of 34 servicemen and the injuries of 174 more. In the … Continue reading

Posted in 1967, Israel, Zionism | Leave a comment

BP’s Deep Water Horizon Oil Blowout

The truth behind the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history – It’s not the conspiracy theory Alex Jones helped promulgate   I’ve received more than one email warning that this BP Oil disaster is not a solvable problem. This, I … Continue reading

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“And the Sea Became Blood?” – The Gulf Oil Crisis

It has been alleged that Rahm Emanuel, Barak Obama’s Chief of Staff, once uttered, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. True or not I don’t know but he wouldn’t be the first to consider the implications of … Continue reading

Posted in BP, Conspiracy Theory, Oil spill, Revelation; dispensationalism | Leave a comment

Biblical Armageddon Must Be Taught Next to Global Warming!

“Some people think that the world’s gonna heat up, and we’re going to be baked alive… but other people think a monster with seven heads is going to come out, and rip us apart… I’m still deciding.” Classroom student “Polls … Continue reading

Posted in Eschatology, Revelation; dispensationalism | 3 Comments

Christian Zionism and the Palestinan-Israeli Conflict

Galatians 3:26-29 (NASB) 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is … Continue reading

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The Shot that Rocked the World

Armwood 56 Brandon 55 Deanna sunk the shot that won the district tournament.

Posted in Armwood, Basketball | Leave a comment

2012 and Beyond? – The Mystery of Mayan Calendar

And now you know the rest of the story…Good day!  

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