Author Archives: Chuck Coty

To End All Wars – The Heart of Mercy

I finally secured my copy of “To End All Wars” (2001). It was as powerful as it was brutal. What a masterpiece! I rarely watch movies but since this one came so highly recommended by two esteemed friends in the … Continue reading

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Is McCain able? The line is in the sand

After watching this short video clip you may begin to understand why I voted for Keyes in this year’s Florida presidential primary and why I hope Alan Keyes becomes our Constitution Party candidate, and ultimately the president of the United … Continue reading

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Death in the Garden: Physical or Spiritual?

Was God’s Garden death sentence physical, spiritual or both? Answering this question is of extreme importance if we are to properly understand the death spoken of in 1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 5:12ff. Consider the following statement from Jesus just … Continue reading

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Call Them Heretics So You Don’t Have to Dialogue

Too often the heretical label is used as a huge wrecking ball cascading down upon all who dare stand in its path. We act as though the non-essentials of the faith such as eschatological positions can damn us to hell. … Continue reading

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Relevant Revisited

Regarding the Tampa Tribune’s Thou Shalt Canoodle article expounded upon in this past blog, and the fact that it received national attention, I think this follow-up is expedient. Most of the responses I received were in agreement with my characterization … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Relevant | 1 Comment

30 Days of Abstinence or Indulgence?

When I came out to the kitchen this a.m. Debbie had set a copy of the Tampa Tribune’s front page Metro on the counter with the following article highlighted. Thou Shalt Canoodle, Church Says “Members get 30-day challenge for Sex” … Continue reading

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Hermeneutical Principles – Reading the Bible with First Century Glasses

1. Scripture was written FOR us but it was not written directly TO us. It is of immense value to realize that when we read the Bible we are reading someone else’s mail. At first some may immediately bristle at … Continue reading

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Are Arabs & Jews Destined for Eternal Enmity?

While perusing a friend’s blog, I found the following comment posted by an anonymous author. It regards the continued conflict between Arabs and Jews and conforms to what I have found to be a rather stereotypical response among Christians. He … Continue reading

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Audience Relevance in the Olivet

Two years ago I ran across the simplest of statements that would forever change my life, my paradigm (worldview) and my faith in the Bible. “Although the Scripture was written FOR us it was not written directly TO us”. At … Continue reading

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Robertson the Prophet that Couldn’t

Following is an AP article from the 2nd day of January 2007. Today, one year later, the prophetic words of Pat Robertson have been found wanting. I say it’s time to hold our leaders accountable when they purport to have … Continue reading

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Thoughts of a Restored Mind

We brought in the 2006 New Year with wonderful friends that we’ve had for a lifetime – well a half-life anyway. After catching up with some that we hadn’t seen in a while, we gathered together as a group to … Continue reading

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