Christian Zionism on the Road to Armageddon – Stephen Sizer
Christian Zionism Road Map – Lecture – Stephen Sizer
Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon Lecture – Stephen Sizer (2007)
With God On Our Side
Historical Roots of Christian Zionism
The Loss of Liberty
Why are Palestinian Christians Leaving Jesus’s Birthplace (Pt 1)
How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land (Pt 2)
Little Town of Bethlehem
Tent of Nations (2009)
The Land Promises (Pt 1) – Don K. Preston
The Land Promises (Pt 2) – Don K. Preston
AD 70 – The Destruction of Jerusalem
7-Biblical-Answers-Bible-Studies – Stephen Sizer – Stephen Sizer (An excellent Bible study series on Christian Zionism)
The Theology of the Land by Stephen Sizer – Stephen Sizer (Outstanding synopis of Israel’s fulfilled land promises)
The Place of Israel – John Stott (Makes the tradional argument that “all Israel” will be saved along with the nations by the world’s end)
The Future of Israel Reexamined – James B. Jordan (Argues that the remant of “All Israel” was, in fact, saved during the last days before the destruction of Jerualem in AD 70.