Kelly was truly a gifted teacher and a loving pastor. He passed away on March 12, 2015. These series were preached from 2004-2011. Thanks to his dedication to and his passion for the Word of God, his legacy lives on into perpetuity. His legacy website is HERE.
Enter a Keyword
- A New Day Dawning
- Alisa Childers confronts Progressive Christianity
- American Vision
- Apologetics 315
- Bible Prophecy – Preston
- Bible Prophecy Fulfilled (Day, Kashian, Parrish)
- Charles Meek – Faith Facts
- Christ Eternal Christian Church
- Cold Case Christianity
- Cross Examined
- David Curtis – Berean Bible Church
- David Wood – Acts 17
- Don K. Preston
- Doug Wilson
- Dr. Kelly Birks
- Ed Stevens
- End of the World Date Setters
- Fulfilled Bible Commentary
- Gary DeMar
- Ligonier Ministries
- Mike Sullivan
- Movie Guide
- Project Gutenberg
- Revelation Revolution
- Riley O'Brian Powell
- Rod Stokes – Purely Biblical
- Spotlight on Movies
- Stand to Reason
- The Bible Fulfilled
- Wes Huff (Apologist)
- Zach Davis